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September 12, 2022 @ 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
This course fulfills one of 20 modules of the 75 hour NY State Real Estate Salesperson pre-licensing course, and is also approved for 3.75 continuing education for those already licensed and needing to fulfill 22.5 hours CE (continuing education) credits. To attend this course, all students must be formally enrolled in the school – pre-licensing students must be enrolled in either the Leap or the Leap + Package; – licensed real estate professional using this course towards your 22.5 hours CE credit, must have purchased a class pass. CE students should advise the instructor at the start of the class that you are taking this course for CE; and must notify [email protected] after completion for a certificate of completion.
All students must enter the room with their FULL LEGAL FIRST and LAST NAME in order to comply with mandatory NYS DOS attendance documentation requirements. CE students must enter their name as it appears on your license.
All students must attend the class in full to earn credit. No partial credit can be given.
All students must have their camera and audio ready when the instructor asks you to turn on those features.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2840090123?pwd=OUdUM3pFaFNJS0FiUzJnUXo2dFQxUT09 Meeting ID: 284 009 0123
Passcode: LEAP450
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